彩砂应用于:建筑装修、水磨石骨料、真石漆、彩砂涂料,环氧地坪等。 **彩砂可用于制造大理石、地板砖、瓷砖及装饰用卫生洁具等,具有光泽、光滑、坚固耐磨等优点。 **彩砂制作的新型内外墙石漆、浮雕等产品,具有耐磨、防水、防腐、无毒、粘结力强色彩绚丽等特点,被广泛应用于建筑工程及室内装饰、浮雕等。 真石漆彩砂能防火吗? 这个问题没有确切的说法,在人们眼中的混凝土和钢筋应该不会燃烧,但实践证明在特定高温下他们也会燃烧,凡事在比较是都应该有个参照物,真石漆彩砂相比较其他涂料来说具有一定的防火性能,实验表明:真石漆具有防火、防水、耐酸碱、耐污染。无毒、无味、粘接力强,**褪色等特点,还是不会容易燃烧的。 开发应用于:室内装修、涂料、腻子粉等。利用彩石粉制作的新型腻子粉和涂料,具有耐磨、防水、防腐、抗腐蚀、耐酸碱、抗暴晒、无毒、无味、无污染、色 彩绚丽、色调柔和、立体感强、粘结力强、不变色等特点,应用于高级公寓和别墅的室内装饰以及腻子粉添加剂,色彩绚丽(色彩可调和),五彩缤纷,***公害。 **彩砂制作的高级喷漆涂料,具有无毒、无味、光泽鲜艳、色调柔和、立体感强等特点。利用五彩石铺设的地面、路面能起到美化环境、保健身体的作用。 真石漆是一种仿石漆外墙彩砂涂料,由于**大理石花岗岩成本高和施工难等限制性,真石漆便应时而生,真石漆具有施工简单,成本低,不易脱色,粘着力强,具有**大理石或花岗岩光泽等特点,真石漆彩砂涂料仿真度较高,较高者达到90%以上,基于这些特点,是真石漆彩砂涂料成为现在建筑商眼中的宠儿,几乎完全替代了**大理石。 真石漆的主要原料是**彩砂,而**彩砂是由**大理石或花岗岩经过粉碎,分级等工序而成,**彩砂颜色上的多样性致使真石漆颜色多样性,同样的彩砂经过不同配比会得到不同的视觉效果,经常有客户问题真石漆彩砂涂料时防火涂料吗? 1、石料开采、运输。我厂生产的**彩砂原石,开采自太行山脉,质地优良,颜色**。 2、石料初碎。石料经给料机输送至磕石机,初步破碎成直径5-10公分的粗料。 3、粗料粉碎。初步破碎完成的粗料,由输送带输送至粉碎机进行粉碎,此过程会产生粉尘污染对产品的质量(清晰度)影响很大,要采用除尘器除尘。粉碎后的石材已经变成为各种目数彩砂石的混合物。 4、筛分。粉碎完成的彩砂石混合物被输送至振动筛,经振动筛简单分级在进入回旋筛选出不同目数的彩砂并进入相应的储存舱室。不合规格的碎石,经输送带输送返回粉碎机进行再次粉碎。 Sand used in building decoration, stone, terrazzo aggregate, sand coating, epoxy floor. Natural sand can be used in the manufacture of marble, floor tiles, ceramic tiles and decorative sanitary ware, has the gloss, smooth, strong wear etc.. Natural sand production model inside and outside wall paint, relief and other products, with a wear-resistant, waterproof, anti-corrosion, non-toxic, strong adhesion colorful characteristics, is widely used in construction and interior decoration, relief etc.. Stone sand can fire? This problem is not accurate to say, should not be burning in the steel and concrete in the eyes of the people, but also proved that they will burn in particular under high temperature, everything in comparison should have a reference, stone sand compared to other coatings has fireproof performance, some experimental results show that the coatings with fire prevention, waterproof, acid alkali resistance, pollution. Non-toxic, tasteless, strong adhesion, and never fade, but still won't burn easily. Development and application: interior decoration, coating, putty powder, etc.. Using the stone powder produced by new putty powder and paint, with wear-resistant, waterproof, anti-corrosion, anti corrosion, acid and alkali, sunshine, non-toxic, tasteless, non polluting, brilliant color, soft colors, three-dimensional sense of strong, strong adhesion, no discoloration, applied to the Premium Apartment House and villas interior decoration and putty powder additive, brilliant color (color adjustable), a riot of colours, natural radiation hazards. Natural sand production of high-level painting coating, has the characteristics of non-toxic, tasteless, bright luster, soft colors, strong stereo sense etc.. The use of stone laid on the ground, the road to beautify the environment, the role of physical health. Stone is a stone like paint wall sand paint, natural marble granite due to the high cost and difficult construction limited, lacquer is timely, stone has the advantages of simple construction, low cost, easy bleaching, strong adhesion, gloss with natural marble or granite characteristics, stone sand paint simulation is extremely high, the highest 90%, based on these characteristics, is the stone sand paint builders now become the darling of the eyes, almost completely replaced the natural marble. The main raw materials of lacquer is a natural sand, and natural sand is made of natural marble or granite after crushing, grading process, diversity of natural sand color is the result of various color diversity, the same sand after different ratio will get different visual effect, customers often have problems of lacquer paint sand fire retardant paint it? 1. Quarrying and transportation of stones. I plant the production of natural sand stone, mined in the Taihang Mountains, fine texture, pure color. 2, stone broken. The feeder transported to the stone on machine, preliminary broken into a coarse material 5-10 cm in diameter. 3, coarse grinding. Preliminary crushing of the finished material from the conveyor belt to the crusher for grinding, this process will produce dust pollution, the quality of the product (clarity) great impact, dust removal should be used. The crushed stone has become a mixture of all kinds of mesh color sand. 4, screening. The stone crushing sand mixture is fed to a vibrating screen, vibrating screen by simple grading in cyclotron screened different mesh sand and into the storage compartments corresponding. Substandard crushed stone, transported by conveyor belt, returned to crusher for re grinding.